Monday, 27 June 2011

魏如萱- 買你 Is your sorrow ON SALE?


 魏如昀 (魏如萱的妹妹)与她的乐团



买你, 这一首歌让我印象很深刻。 
第一次听, 是魏如昀在星光大道唱。 


"buy yours", this song embedded deep inside me ever since i heard it sang by QUEEN in 
simple lyrics sink into simple melody. A perfect match.

Allow me to buy away your sadness, can life stay that simple?

两姐妹, 唱出不同的味道, 两个唱腔我都喜爱。

Later on, WAA who is QUEEN's sister also sings the same song. Both of they carry the song differently, but i like both ways. One sounds a bit gloomy while another a bit of playful.

魏如萱她也是一名DJ, 与万芳有一点点相似。

WAA is also a DJ, with some similarities in MAN, FONG. Being playful, at the same time being sentimental.

若悲和伤能够被容许这么轻易地被买走, 那人生不就会剩下许多许多的快乐, 喜悦吗?你愿意放弃悲伤, 拍卖你的愤怒了吗?

if we are willing to let go of sadness and sorrow so easily, wouldn't be life just left with joyful and happiness? So, are you ready to abandon your wretchedness and put your anger on sale?

Tuesday, 21 June 2011

不再让你孤单 - 舒淇 LEAVE ME ALONE NOT

Leave Me Alone Not
   cathay cineleisure, orchard 出乎意料
首先,让我以一颗真诚的心,再次感谢这一次没免费, 但带我入场欣赏这一场精彩电影的朋友。

这位朋友,时常介绍我看,令我掉眼镜,掉下巴, 捉狂到掉头发的电影。
在不带任何期望,以免失望的情形下,终于, 他翻身了, 这出戏好好看。

cathay cineleisure, orchard,  out of expectation
First of all, i would like to AGAIN thank my fren from the bottom of my heart, who has dragged me to watch such a touching MOVIE.
(although he see it from another perspective than mine)


most touching part is of course, when the song sounded......


戒心: 你可以对一位陌生人这么没戒心吗? 我很想做到这么豁达。

Defensive: Can you put yourself in such a defenseless position? i would like to feel there's nothing for me to lose, sense of freedom.

窝心: 不用语言就能感觉到。 “在他的世界里,我不曾是一个哑巴。“ 我我我我,我帮你讲。“

Stay Connected: No language can perfectly express yourself. However, you are not dumb. While you are thinking of how to phrase your sentence, i already knew what you wanna say.

掏心: 我走过了, 可是我走不掉。 肯将你最脆弱的部分摊开来吗?

Naked: I tried to run away, but i just couldn't get my mind off you. Leaving the most vulnerable self.

舒淇演的这个角色,我认为演得很贴切。 我最爱她不被现实压倒的态度, 因为十足信任原地踏步等待,冷静面对两人的情绪垃圾。

Shu Qi portrayed the character so well. I like her attitude, go after the true love in spite of hardship, she waited for what she believed deeply, calmly facing the bad aura.

看看朋友他的角度, Let's pip on the fren's blog on this movie.

Sunday, 19 June 2011

万芳-心像凌晨四点的天的蓝 MAN, FONG. A truly performance of herself


Esplanade concert hall。 真情演出。
首先,让我以一颗真诚的心, 感谢免费带我入场欣赏这一场精彩的演出的朋友。

Esplanade concert hall. A truly performance of herself.
First of all, i would like to thank my fren from the bottom of my heart, who has given me this opportunity to attend such a fascinating LIVE performance.
(although he might not at the end fully agree with the way she performed)
the charisma to do live performances is not inheritably present in oneself, at least for me, she has outdone herself.

就是这么独一无二的失误, 当场果断的把它给消化了。

there was no barrier, visible or invisible ones, between her and the audiences. her performance portrays the truly her, the perfection and imperfection. The imperfection was handled with wisdom. And hence, the show ended rather PERFECT.

生活不就也这样吗, 捉住自己或别人的错误牢牢不放,又何必呢?

this is life, the naked side of it, which not everybody has learned on how to handle it well. Holding on the flaws so much so that life cannot go on, sigh.

孩子气:childish king

割爱: severed love

新不了情:new never ending love



朋友!!有像为证,不忘为你出绵力。没photoedit 过,不好意思。 
this part no need translation!!! right, fren?